Wow it was a chilly start today as we made our way to New House Farm playing fields. We were properly tooled up with all of the equipment ready to begin our own hedge laying project.

Chris gave us a tutorial as well as an instruction card to remind us what we were doing. The key to it is the angle at which you start to cut and then slowly lowering and levering the branch so that is splits down the grain. It is really important to leave a strip of wood and bark as a join so that the nutrients can get to the tree.
We found some NEWTs! yes some NEWTs! under a piece of board. They were all snuggled up together and so we made sure that the board was replaced carefully.
Adele came along to join us again and we all had a great natter about Bolton. It was Adele's and my first time hedge laying and we both really enjoyed it. Adele tackled the biggest and hardest tree and made a really good job of it.
The weather warmed up and so did we, with brews and biscuits and lots of sawing. A great work out again and a joy to create something new. More hedge laying planned in two weeks. Do join us!
Video of the highlights of today: